Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling
In honor of Harry Potter’s birthday today, I’m sharing my top-secret excel spreadsheet of Harry Potter fan-fictions. It’s been very disheartening the past few years to be a Harry Potter fan. But, as she-who-must-not-be-named continues to disappoint the fan community, I have found it essential to support the fandom. Whether that be supporting fan run Harry Potter podcasts, buying from my favorite wizarding coffee shop, or reading fan-fiction. This list is by no means exhaustive and your ships might be different than mine, but sometimes you need an escape from the place that used to be your escape.

The Princess Diaries (Trailer)
An absolutely perfect franchise that I can find zero faults with. It’s personally offensive that the rotten tomatoes score is so low. On the brink of turning sixteen, Anne Hathaway finds out she’s the princess of a distant country and in order to secure her family’s rule, she must claim her right to the throne. What teenager wouldn’t want to be a princess? Well, Anne’s sort of on the fence with that one. The perfect franchise to marathon this weekend if you want to affix a permanent smile on your face.
The amount of times I’ve mentioned Shrek during quarantine is astronomic. Winner of the first ever Academy Award for an Animated Film (again, duh), Shrek pays homage to our favorite fairy tales, but also subverts them. Incredibly memorable scenes (uhm, Fairy Godmother singing ‘I Need a Hero’), kick-a** ladies (Princess Fiona can’t lose in a fight), and important themes of tolerance, friendship, and true love conquering all. And if you need further convincing…I’ll just leave this here.
In the Mood for Love (Trailer)
How’d they let me graduate art school without seeing this? It’s so well-done! Set in the 60’s, two neighbors in a crowded apartment building grow closer after they learn their spouses are having an affair. They decide to start an affair themselves! I would say “when in Rome!”, but this takes place in China. I’m also in complete awe over the fact that China – to this day – never misses a beat when it comes to fashion.
I remember my biggest takeaway from this movie was that I wanted to be a code breaker but then I realized I wasn’t good at math (hence why I’m in entertainment). This movie is eye candy for someone who loves puzzles and code breaking. Based on a true story, Russell Crowe, a brilliant mathematician, becomes entangled in a mysterious conspiracy.

My brother and I can’t stop referencing this dystopian sci-fi show. We are halfway through and still have so many questions! Why does there need to be a Soma man if everyone has access to Soma? Why is Klaus from the Vampire Diaries now considered a low tier citizen? What does the World Controller actually DO?! Maybe we’ll read the book after we finish to fill in the blanks, or just one of us will and tell the other what happens. Will keep you posted.
I can’t talk about this show without getting emotional. I know everyone reading this has probably already seen it, but I promise the rewatch is worth it. It’s like a comforting blanket, a bowl of ice cream, or your comfiest socks all in one – so grab all three and put this incredible show on this weekend. You will re – fall in love with Tim Riggins, Coach Taylor and Tami Taylor all over again.

This one is a given. Listen to Michelle’s new podcast on spotify as she guides you through conversations with her loved ones, exploring big topics and issues we deal with everyday. Basically, it’s just a chance to hang out with the one and only.

Black is King (Disney+)
A film by Beyoncé. Need we say more? If you enjoyed her album that dropped alongside the live action Lion King: The Gift, you’ll be completely blown away by her visual album for it. A star-studded collaboration throughout, I might even argue this beautiful piece of art may bring you to tears.